نامه جبهه ملی ایران – خارج از کشوربه دبیر کل سازمان ملل متحد

دبیر کل محترم سازمان ملل متحد

عالیجناب دکتر آنتونیوگوترش

با سلام واحترام

همانگونه که بر اساس گزارشهای سازمانهاو اشاره شخصیتهای مختلف حقوق بشری وخبر گزاریهای آزاد ومستقل در جریان هستید

همانگونه که در پنجاهمین شورای حقوق بشر در سخنان خود در این رابطه اشاره داشتید

رژیم حاکم بر ایران موسوم به جمهوری اسلامی براساس نگرش ایدئولوژیک خود که آن را تفسیر از اسلام میداند با برچسب های جرایمی مانند :اقدام علیه امنیت ملی ازطریق اجتماع ، قاچاق موادمخدر ، جاسوسی برای کشورهای متخاصم ، محاربه با نظام اسلامی ، اشاعه فساد_، توهین به مقدسات وعناوین کیفری مختلفی که اختراع میکند بدون برگزاری دادگاه یا مبتنی بر اعترافات زیر شکنجه وعدم رعایت آئین دادرسی حقوقی ،ماشین اعدام راه انداخته وجوانان حتی کودکان را که اغلب برای آزادیخواهی ومیهن دوستی معترض وحاضردر خیابان بودند بامجازات غیر انسانی خاموش مینماید

جبهه ملی ایران که شامل احزاب مختلف ملی گرا وآزادیخواه بر محور کرامت انسان است یکی از قدیمی ترین تشکل های سیاسی حامی حقوق بشردر ایران به رهبری دکتر محمد مصدق بوده واکنون به این روش نظامی امنیتی حکمرانی علیه مردم ،معترض است وشاخه برون مرز آن برخود وظیفه میداندصدای این بی پناهان شود وبه مراجع جهانی گزارش جنایات ضد بشری دوازده روز گذشته راکه بیش از ۶۴ نفر را در زندانهای سلماس ، ارومیه ، خوی قزلحصار ، بندر عباس ، بیرجند،عادل آباد ، شیراز، وکیل آباد مشهد ؛ زاهدان، خرم اباد ، ایرانشهر _  بیرجند -زاهدان_دستگرد اصفهان   

اعدام شده اند وحدود همین تعداد هم در صف قتل عام هستند .همچنین سربه نیست کردن دیگر آزادیخواهان بی نام ونشان در دخمه های مخوف رژیم دیکتاتوری قریب به وقوع است ،خصوصا گوشزد میگردد کشتارها هدفمند بوده واغلب مرزنشین ها واقوام را همچون فعالین سیاسی وحقوق بشری بیشترمورد حمله قرار داده است.

خواهشمندیم باارائه این گزارش ودرخواست تحقیقات مستقل در این رابطه موجبات جلوگیری از مجازات های بدوی خصوصا روش غیر انسانی واهریمنی اعدام نمائید .

جبهه ملی ایران – خارج از کشور

12 مه 2023

Iran National Front – Abroad (INF)

11 May 2023

Excellency Mr. António Guterres,

Secretary General of The United Nations


Excellency Mr Guterres

Recent mass executions and abuses of HR in the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI)

The concerns of the human rights experts and organizations on the IRI abuses of HR is unanimous. Therefore, we are asking for your special attention to the situations in Iran. Prisoners’ lives are in grave danger. Lack of access to the proper lawyers to defend prisoners whose only faults have been to express their opinions and protesting for their HR adds to the gravity of situations.

Your excellency you mentioned in your speech at the 50th Human Rights Council that the ruling regime of Iran, although a member of the United Nations, does not follow the UNHR charter. We wish to draw your attention to the use of Islamic edict by the IRI judicial system which are extracted and interpreted from Koran verses to sentence innocent prisoners with the unfounded crimes labels: act against security of nation, corrupt on earth, drug smuggling, espionage for hostile countries, or even spreading corruption, insulting the sacred leaders, and other similar labels.

Many prisoners are summary court martialled and executed on the pretext of confessions which has been obtained under duress and torture.  The executions have been exasperated further after a 22-year-old young girl for not having the right scarf (Islamic Hijab) was brutally killed by the Morality Police on 16 September 2022. People of Iran including truck, bus, taxi drivers, industrial workforce, university professors and students have been protesting peacefully against this inhuman act of barbarism by chanting “Women, Life, Freedom” across the nation. The Islamic regime using its repressive machinery killing, injuring, and detaining demonstrators. The regime also has pre-empted by arresting many of the most well-known opposition figures for the fear that they may also join the protests. We must stress the IRI has been reigning by terror, oppressive military regime of governance against its own people since its inception in 1979.

In the past two weeks the Islamic regime has committed crimes against humanity by executing more than 64 people who have been detained in several prisons, i.e.  Salmas, Arumieh, Khorin, Ghezehesar, , Karag, BandarAbbas, Birjand, Adalabad, Shiraz, Vakilabad, Mashhad, TarbetJam, zahdan, Khorramabad, Iranshahr, Zahedan, Dastgerd and Isfahan. News from inside Iran informs us the same number are in the line to be massacred.

Your excellency, the Iran National Front (INF), including many freedom-loving opposition parties/leaders are protesting the regime brutality for several years. The INF is one of the oldest political organizations formed by the late Dr Mohammad Mossadegh in 1950’s and has operated as a watchdog voicing people of Iran inside and outside. We are a branch of the INF operating outside the country representing a significant portion of the opposition organizations to the Islamic regimeWe ask you Mr Guterres, for an urgent protest to stop killing of Iran innocent people, dual citizen of Iran who are being sentenced to death for an allegation such as being “Corrupt on Earth” or other unfounded allegations mentioned above.

Excellency, we kindly ask for your direct support and call on the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and Head of Judiciary, Mr. Gholamhossein Ejei of the IRI to immediately stop these unlawful executions and release all political prisoners including several human rights defenders who are sentenced to long term prison sentences in Iran.

For and on behalf of INF-Abroad

Dr Amirhoshmand Momtaz   4061 Germainder Way, Irvine CA 9261